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2010 Cañada Larga Campaign
Ventura City Council Poised to Spend Taxpayer Money to Support Sprawl

City Council to Discuss Cañada Larga Annexation

Ventura City Council will vote on Monday, Jan. 24, whether to allocate around $75,000 to pay for a study of the Canada Larga Valley - a key step that could lead to the construction of executive homes in the rural area outside City limits. Before adding Canada Larga, costs already reached $350,000 for studies and expenses related to the Westside Plan, which also proposes annexing 800 acres of North Ventura Avenue. We need your help to steer the Council off this ill-conceived, irresponsible annexation track that will cost significant taxpayer money, place homes and businesses in high-risk areas, and further stretch the City's police and fire personnel. The Council needs to hear from residents throughout the City.

Your presence at City Hall is critical, but if you can't attend please e-mail the Council at council@ci.ventura.ca.us

City Council Meeting
Monday, Jan. 24
501 Poli Street

6 P.M.

(Canada Larga may come later in the agenda)
Organizations opposed to annexation of Canada Larga Valley:

Environmental Defense Center, Ojai Valley Green Coalition,The Sierra Club, SOAR, Surfrider Foundation, Wishtoyo Foundation, VCCool, Ventura Audubon Society & Ventura Citizens for Hillside Preservation

Join us in Urging the City to:

· Focus the Westside Plan on the Lower Ventura Avenue already in City limits and exclude Canada Larga and North Avenue from the Plan.
· Consider possible North Avenue expansion during the next General Plan update or at a time when the infill strategy has been accomplished.

Why is Annexing Canada Larga & North Ventura Avenue a Bad Deal for Venturans?

Waste of Taxpayer Funds:At a time when the City has closed a fire station and a library, and slashed funding for parks and buses, it's unwise to spend taxpayer funds on consultants to explore growing the size of Ventura. Adding these new territories would require the City to operate a new fire station and invest in many new infrastructure needs. With Governor Brown trying to abolish redevelopment agencies, it is unclear whether the City would have the funding to make improvements in the North Avenue area. If these development projects are indeed economically-viable, the property owners should pay for the necessary studies.


Poor Land-Use Planning - The City already spent more than a $1 million to update its General Plan which dictates an infill-first strategy. Despite the rhetoric among city leaders about "smart growth," the annexation plan will promote sprawl, destroy wildlife habitat, and allow homes and businesses to be built in a flood plain and in areas at risk of wildfires and contamination from past industrial uses. The City will assume fiscal responsibility for firefighting, police protection, infrastructure upkeep, and other service costs in the new parts of the City. The area's remoteness from services, schools, and shopping would increase traffic trips along Highway 33 and Ventura Avenue.


No Guarantee of Economic Boost - One developer has convinced some City leaders that an abandoned oil refinery next to the Ventura River is the ideal site for a business park and houses. Another landowner has promoted the rural Canada Larga - at risk for wildfires, floods, and mudslides- as optimal for building "executive" houses to draw commerce to Ventura. Some City officials are convinced these and other "catalyst" projects are necessary for the City to prosper, but evidence is lacking that these "opportunities" can guarantee an economic boost to offset City spending. Meanwhile, there are commercial and industrial vacancies throughout Ventura and expensive homes for sale on Ventura's hills, the Keys, Pierpont Beach and beaches north of town, as well as rurally-situated homes just a 15-mile drive away in Ojai and Carpinteria. The City should optimize existing opportunities before annexing land that is fraught with natural and manmade hazards and could drain resources and stretch public safety personnel.


Citizens Denied SOAR vote - As County land, Canada Larga is under SOAR protection and requires a vote of the citizens for zoning to be changed. By annexing the land into the City, the landowner can sidestep a SOAR vote by citizens. Approval by a citizen vote would be challenging for a developer given that the valley is an important wildlife corridor with many special-status plants and animals.

Please Donate: We have hired the Environmental Defense Center to provide legal expertise, so contributions are needed. Make donations out to VCHP and mail to: P.O. Box 1575, Ventura, CA 93002.

Diane Underhill, President Ventura Citizens for Hillside Preservation
Find us on Facebook under Ventura Citizens for Hillside Preservation


Ventura Citizens for Hillside Preservation
Ventura, CA 93003

(805) 665-3820

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